We are pleased to present the winners of the 2021 Hog August Bites Rib & Chili cook-off.

Juried Rib winners was a nail biter! For the first time in Tracy Allen, our Kansas City BBQ Society master judge experience, there was a 3 way tie for 2nd place!

This is unusual as there are several layers to break a tie. These 3 pit masters tied across all the layers!

Wise Smoke Ranch – 1st Place #31
Daddy Dees BBQ – 2nd Place #33
Riding Ribs – 2nd Place #27
Thin Blue Que – 2nd Place #4

The People’s Choice Rib Winners are….
Faces BBQ 1st Place #6
Beards BBQ 2nd Place #16

Barrachos Cochinas BBQ – 3rd Place #17

People’s Choice Chili Winners……
Rio Good BBQ – 1st Place. #6
Chef Byron Boys – 2nd Place. #1
Lee Williams Team – 3rd Place #3

We would like to congratulate not only our winners but all of our contestants for providing well prepared delicious ribs and chili for the judges to enjoy!!! We hope they all return next year!